Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students   (4)
The Holy Spirit comes to the world as Christ’s representative. It not only speaks the truth, but It is the truth—the faithful and true Witness. It is the great Searcher of hearts and is acquainted with the characters of all. (CT 68.1) MC VC
The Holy Spirit has often come to our schools and has not been recognized, but has been treated as a stranger, perhaps even as an intruder. Every teacher should know and welcome this heavenly Guest. If the teachers will open their own hearts to receive the Spirit, they will be prepared to co-operate with It in working for their students. And when It is given free course, It will effect wonderful transformations. It will work in each heart, correcting selfishness, molding and refining the character, and bringing even the thoughts into captivity to Christ. (CT 68.2) MC VC
The great aim of the teacher should be the perfecting of Christian character in himself and in his students. Teachers, let your lamps be trimmed and burning, and they will not only be lights to your students, but will send out clear and distinct rays to the homes and neighborhoods where your students live, and far beyond into the moral darkness of the world.—Special Testimonies On Education, 47-52; written May 15, 1896. (CT 68.3) MC VC
Our brethren say the plea comes from ministers and parents that there are scores of young people in our ranks who need the advantages of our training schools, but they cannot attend unless tuitions are lower. (CT 68.4) MC VC